Finally, I have gotten over a big obstacle in Nikke.


I have to apologise once again for just have erratic and sporadic my blog posts have become in recent times. I have still been struggling with motivation to write stuff up. This particular post is mostly just a small update and to ensure that I have SOMETHING up on the blog to assure any readers that it is still a thing and that I am still invested in it. 

NIKKE has taken up most of my time these days. It's genuinely a fun game, even for a gacha and the waifus make it worth it. Having said that, I have been quite frustrated for around two weeks due to one specific part in Chapter 20 in the campaign. This time, my gripe has nothing to do with the writing of the story and more to do with the level itself, particularly an enemy rapture that makes its first ever appearance in game. 

Having been making smooth progress through the campaign, I made my way through the beginning of chapter 20, a chapter that unfortunately sees us interacting with the prick that is Johan. Everything was going well until I suddenly hit the wall that is 20-15. For those that don't know, 20-15 is a particular section of the chapter that introduces raptures known as "glasses". These raptures are beyond annoying and I couldn't complete the level for over two weeks due their shields. Essentially, they are unbeatable if you do not have a high enough rate of fire as you do 1 measly damage to the shields per hit. This rendered my sniper heavy team moot. 

My regular team of Alice, Maxwell, Naga, Privaty and Rapunzel were ineffective due to the low rate of fire. That sucked because I had invested heavily in the team with Alice, Maxwell and Naga all having dolls and some Tier 9 gear as well as cubes equipped. Eventually, I had to upgrade Guillotine and Quency: Escape Queen in order to actually get past the level, thanks to the increase in rate of fire. Basically, a machine gun NIKKE is a good investment for any stages that involve "glasses" and beyond that submachine gun NIKKEs also could work. 
